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1、stubborn a顽固的遇事不知变通,坚持己见,即为“顽固”stupid a愚蠢的,迟钝的遇事不知变通,以不变的思维应万变,即为“愚蠢”,如刻舟求剑sturdy a坚定的态度不变即“坚定”。

2、Comes at the height of summer, sun face, stubborn mother, the next stop in the hot sun for hours Examinations end of the bell rang, the mother Yingshang Qu fed a cup of good tea with canned foam bottle。


3、得给它加点油了4病难治好的 I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽5污渍难去掉的 This detergent can remove stubborn stains这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。


4、4病难治好的 I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽5污渍难去掉的 This detergent can remove stubborn stains这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍希望能帮到你。

5、And it stung my eyes, but I was too stubborn to blink and I slept inside the piano #39til the rain was gone And I woke up when I saw the sun And wiped the sleep from my eyes, yeah I knew my time had come。



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