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[stubbornness翻译]out of stubbornness


人与人之间的差别甚小然而正是这细微的差别形成了人与人之间的巨大差别我所说的细微差别是人的态度,而巨大差异则是人采取什么样的态度积极还是消极韦克莱门特斯通 人名不一定翻的准确,只是按照音译翻译;“执着”的英文翻译是attachment stubborn be attached to ideologism stubbornness overabsorption of mind qigong dirigation执着双语例句1卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着Karouzos#39s poetry shows a profo;Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother 固执是他和他母亲共有的一个特征同学们,你们发现其中的奥妙了吗?如果仅仅把share理解为“分享,分担”,绝对会影响你对句子的理解,因为几个中文词汇对share的概括非常;原句为了一个没有的结果执着而坚持着 翻译 For a no results persistent and persistence persist in order for the no results stubbornness 坚持为了没有结果固执这个句子不太好,也没用英语句式 百度知道永远给。

[stubbornness翻译]out of stubbornness

goodbye to my stubbornness我不明桀骜的意思,借用了其他回覆者所用的stubbornnessall because I couldn#39t say goodbye to you But these have become the reasons of your looking down at me I would like to;furthermore, I will even offer help and when my offers are refused, I am seldom willing to walk awaySometimes a person#39s independence is a mix of pride, daring, stubbornness and luck Actually, the person who;A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, or worry Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap间隙 with conversation;Anal 是analretentive的简写 说明in Freudian 弗洛伊德 theory, relating to adult personality traits, for example, obsessive neatness, stubbornness, and frugality, that are considered to have originated during。

Enthusiastic pursuit of him, full of hope and wait Him stubborn, in a hopeless time of injury in their own stubbornness When a love will never realize the opportunity, he chose to die, to die for;此句翻译是领导力手段,指挥方面,最重要的是鼓励成绩;quot Hearing these words, his parents were surprised but said nothing other than suggesting him take more money But this stubborn boy said that he had enough money and didn#39t need any more from parents So。

[stubbornness翻译]out of stubbornness

Some people say you are a devil you are stubborn willfulness unreasoning Perhaps you are a child of Satan, Satan, you do not know when Shi was born, what magic Let people on your feelings so extreme Yi;It was the time of the Qing, Tianjin near Wuqing County Yangcun lived a young person, he did a noble, and he was dead stubborn personality, among its cattle temperament, if reverse his ruling, the nine;thisisverycontradictorythingsquotHeopposestheuseofalternatingcurrentanddirectcurrent,sotheapproveafiercedebateandstubborninfailureInthisrespect,reflectstheEdisonbecameacelebrityafterthestubbornnessofstartedtofosteroldfashioned;My proud stubbornness and I sing loudly into the wind This time, I’m crazy for my own sake, just this time me and my stubbornness People who love me needn’t be nervous, my obstinacy is good and h。

1 Soandso You want me? I know so many people, so many, why do I miss you are? Oh, if I miss you, my heart would fall the honey ocean Walk in our trod path, close your eyes still can;一Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do害羞会从感觉轻微的不适到高度的焦虑,影响我们所做的一切二Despite his stubbornness, he。



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