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1、1Astronautic scientists didn#39t disspoint us and delivered China#39s first lunar exploration satellite lunarprobe Chang#39e12The former US Vice President Al Gore, who was awarded the Nobel Prizewinning 。





5、buaa是北京航空航天大学,简称北航北航的英文名是Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic,所以北航的英文简称为buaa学校优点985,211,师资力量雄厚,资源方面是不缺的主校区在五道口附近,交通便利学院路。


6、北航为什么是buaa1 北航的英文名是Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic,所以北航的英文简称为buaa北京航空航天大学简称北航成立于1952年,是新中国第一所航空航天高等学府,现隶属于工业和信息化部北航的。

7、Allie Moss Melancholy Astronautic Man You‘re like a man, alone in outer space,Cradling the earth in the palm of his hand,You orbit #39round tempted by a face,Of beauty so alive she leaves you。

8、BUAA是 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic且不说Aeronautics and Astronautics这两个GRE词汇对大部分老外也足以造成我学了假英语的暴击,单单向老外们解释前面的Beijing University of 其实不是北京大学,北京大学。

9、也许是Melancholy Astronautic Man,一个忧郁的宇航员。

10、If you agree,please give it to me when we visit the day after tomorrowWe are going to Chongqing Musemu to watch the spaceship which was taken by astronautic hero Yang Liwei。

11、NTN Representatives of the hightech products NTN is one of the comprehensive precision optical machinery manufacturers of the world, company this is it on Japan , headquartered in Osaka city west district。

12、首教航天机械公司金属波纹管厂Astronautic Corrugated Metal Pipe Factory周林频谱总公司Zhoulin BioFrequency Spectrum Co利仁电器有限公司Liren Electrical Appliance Co,Ltd原田电器工业有限公司Yuan Tian Electronic。

13、where are you now 吧是两位歌手合作的应该是faded,我也很喜欢。

14、这个问题真的很难回答你,其实我觉得廊坊开发区的一些单位都不错,比如 德国西门子 Siemenz Group 荷兰阿克苏诺贝尔公司Akzonobel Chemicals Co,Ltd 法国红城堡葡萄酒公司 Red Castle Winery CoLtd 立邦涂。

15、allie moss的,歌名叫melancholy astronautic man。

16、recognition award的中文翻译 recognition award 认可奖 双语例句 1 Enhanced global recognition of Award winning programmes增强得奖项目在全球的公认性2 In 2006, Astronautic office Building won the recognition award in。



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