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1、直接打开 Telegraph#8194 网页,直接就可开始编辑标题作者文章内容也可不填作者 如果你遇到中文输入问题,只要开头空一格再输入,中文输入就正常了你可以在 Telegraph 上编辑完整文章,具备基本的。





5、20131012 1021EDCheng1四级 你是要看具体什么内容,你知道么?如果知道具体哪儿一天或者具体什么内容,你可以在搜说器里直接找telegraph,bbc 好多报纸都报道类似的东西打开卫报网站应该有稍早内容history,你可以找找 评论邮箱。


6、Telephone, television, radio, telegraph and the Internet all help people communicate with each other As a result, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world For example, within seconds。


8、直到1973年ATP开始建立电脑排名体系之前,网球界都没有一个正式的排名系统但是在新闻报道中尤其是Lance Tingay的每日电报Daily Telegraph我们可以肯定拉沃尔在1961,1962业余选手和1968,1969年的世界排名都是第一的在赢得。

9、Setbacks didn#39t make Edison frustrated, he lost the telegraph, through repeated in 1868, he invented a automatic power recorder, this is his first invention Then again he invented the telegraph type two kinds。

10、天地无限Open Range2003 Open Range, directed by Kevin Costner, opens in theaters today The movie sheds light on the life of the cowboy, after what critics consider an 11year drought in the genre of。


12、He built a telegraph machine and quickly learned to send and receive telegraph messages At the time, sending electric signals over wires was the fastest method of sending information long distances At the age of sixteen。

13、it is following the telegraph, telephone, radio, computer, after a great invention, the world#39s computers linked via the Internet, to communicate or share information resources Wireless phones with the Internet。

14、The request of the owner and the bidders shall reply in writing or by telex, telegraph forms Bidder may refuse such a request, and will not lose its bond tender Agreed to this request are not allowed to change。

15、but also to the tremendous impact The turmoil in the sun a few hours in the United States and the European telegraph line of the phenomenon of simultaneous shortcircuit, and thus lead to a lot of fire。




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