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你好, for this reason It#39s raining outside For this reason, you have to stay at home外面在下雨,因为这,你只能留在家里 take up Activities take up too much of our time活动占去了我们太多的;Do you watch television on sunday evening?星期天晚上你一般看电视吗打乒乓球play table tennis She plays table tennis better than I她乒乓球打得比我好打电话call up make a phone callForgive;句中have 用的是原形didn#39t是构成否定,应该和have一起,构成谓语部分Daming可以在句中充当主语or是并列连词,所给词中a radio和a television可以由or来连接因此可以构成句子Daming didn#39t have a radio or a;女王上次来访是在五月份, 她那时主持了这座医院的落成典礼How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了, 还能学什麽东西呢It was the;Shall we go for a walk rather than watch television?咱们不看电视,出去散散步,好不好He is tired, let me do it instead他累了,让我代做吧He always encourages me in my studies他总是鼓励我用功读书。

刷牙brush one#39s teeth you must brush your teeth before breakfast你早饭前必须刷牙上学go to school he is too young to go to school他年纪太小,还不能上学看电视watch television do you watch;3Do you often watch television?4My grandfather is 80 years old sister is taller than mother works in a cousin is my is a sofa in the;John is watches television every day = 此句有语病,正确说法为 John watches television everyday 或 John is watching television everyday 按例句要求以“if”完成,则例句可以为 I want to know if John is;你最好协调你的假日安排和工作计划 Unless we get more funding we#39ll beprevented from finishing our experimental programme除非我们得到更多的拨款,否则就会妨碍完成这项试验计划We have no programme我们没有计划。


in的本意是“在之内”,表示时间的时候,指的是在一个比较长的时间段之内,表示地点的时候,表示在地点名词内部on造句 1Who will operate on him?2Yes On the television3Come on, Darling!4We do。


的简称TV is short for “television” 8 come true实现come down下来come from=be from来自,出生于come ininto进入,进来come on赶快come over过来come along走吧,过来,快点,come and go来来去去come up上来come out出来,花;tvt teevision tansato电视转发器,tvt television teletypewriter电视电传机,tvt television tra lator电视转发器,tvt television translator电视翻译器,电视转发器电视转发器差转机tvt造句 1Tvt can be viewed from two;我们的销售代理定期访问这些客户,并同他们建立了良好的关系selling是什么意思n 销售 v sell的现在分词形式 Television sells many products电视促进许多商品的销售 This shop is licensed to sell tobacco这家商店;The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator 今天的电视制片人必须既是新闻人,又是教育者柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典9 It is really great for a radio producer to create a show。

The Queen#39s last visit was in May,when she opened the new hospital女王上次来访是在五月份,她那时主持了这座医院的落成典礼How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television;1外籍教师说每天听半小时英语,培养语感注意,是无意识地听,我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时 2抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄 3设立错题本非常有效,把错的;您好,1904年的英语怎么读需要看场合1在正式场合,或是正式文件,会用 Nineteen Hundred and Four 2口语通常会用 the year nineteen O 英语字母 Ofour。



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