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1、译文她相当上镜psychogenic=精神上的 译文她因心理障碍才不能支配她的四肢videogenic=上镜 译文这狗真上镜,我们给它录一段视频telegenic=上镜 译文她不想在电视上露面,因为她说她不上镜biogenic=富有磁性;telegenic的中文意思适于电视广播的,点击查看详细解释telegenic的中文翻译telegenic的发音音标用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握telegenic这个单词;发音指南学习如何用母语英语中的“telegenic”发音,“telegenic”英文翻译和音频发音;Telegenic , a major outside broadcast OB production company with its main office in the UK and a new US office in Atlanta, chose MediorNet to provide the redundant and。


2、签约新加坡国家电视台,代表作东游记饰韩湘子 2001年与原东家约满后,签约上海和展影视公司,正式以“常铖”的名字在电视剧半生缘中饰演许叔惠 Moments of Glory 获奖时间和情况 Most Telegenic Award in;telegenic中文適于電視廣播的適當拍攝電視的,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋telegenic的中文翻譯,telegenic的發音,音標,用法和例句等;We fell under Sedona#39s spell, too, and while debating our No 1 spot kept returning to it for the same reasons Hollywood does The area#39s telegenic canyons, windshaped buttes and dramatic sandstone towers embody;首次上镜,可以是debut 试镜的上镜,可以是audition 一般泛泛而言,可以是onscreen或onscreen,也可以是appearing。

3、Photos from photographer Telegenic 2 上传 2342 下载次数 50 收藏次数 Telegenic @Telegenic 成员自15 年,5 月 Follow us on 简体中文;As a young and telegenic Shadow Cabinet member, Blair was given prominence by the party#39s Director of Communications, Peter Mandelson He gave his first major platform speech at the 1990 Labour Party conferenceIn the;telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机;Translations of “telegenic” Word of the Day brushstroke the way in which something, especially paint, is put on to a surface with a brush © Cambridge University Press 2016。


4、Learn the definition of telegenic Is telegenic in the scrabble dictionary? Yes, telegenic can be played in scrabble;Bear got talented in communication, he is good at giving a speech and also ridiculously telegenic That makes him one of the most successful and youngest inspring speakers in the world He has become a。



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