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所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是行为动词,不需要助动词do来构成过去式,所以第二句宜改成He also pay much attention to applying accountancy theory i。

6 We will surpass our predecessors, and future generations will certainly surpass us我们要突破前人, 后人也必然会突破我们7 He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers他决心超越几个。

8Will the new plan be any more acceptable than its predecessors?新计画比原先的计画更能令人满意吗?英英解释形容词acceptable1 worthy of acceptance or satisfactory 2 judged to be in conformity with approved。

challenge comparison with one’s predecessors向前任挑战 draw a comparison between then把它们加以比较 inby comparison with与比较 A train is slow in comparison with a plane同飞机比较,火车走得慢特别提醒。

2用法 their是复数第三人称的所有格形式,是复数形容词性物主代词,在句中只可用作定语,其后常接复数名词有时为了避免显示性别,their还可代替his,her用作anybody,anyone,everyone等词的物主代词,此时其后可接单数。

一be good at 英 bi ɡud #230t 美 bi ɡ#650d #230tv擅长健精通熟谙 Work in qingdao, to be good at flute and piccolo在青岛工作,擅长长笛和短笛二be expert in 精通于。

14 previous work不如直接说predecessors#39 achievements 前人的成果,你想表达的意思是“前人的成果也是必不可少的”,应该用indispensible,inseparable意思是不能分开的,也是中式英语,不符合英语的习惯15 表示尊敬,动词用pay, 很少用。


1a few一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法few用于可数名词,否定用法There are a few apples on the table桌子上有几个苹果There are few apples on the table桌子上几乎没苹果2用法和little和a。


可以,例如接宾语从句The great Russian writer Leo tolstoy once said, quotThe right path is this learn from what your predecessors have done, and move forward quot伟大的俄罗斯作家列夫·托尔斯泰曾说过,“正确的。

Cao Dachang inherited the papermaking technology of our predecessors, and through practice, we have gradually improved, and finally made a clean white paper, because paper distribution center in the state of Xuancheng, hence。


节选一句他对亚里士多德的评价吧His presentday influence is so inimical to clear thinking that it is hard to remember how great and advance he made upon all his predecessors including Plato, or how。

achievements than hispredecessorsA 上级 B 前任 C 同事 D 下级 4 The football game was getting more and more exciting , however, the old lady was still as dozy as she usually was A 昏昏欲睡的 B 亢奋的。

当恶霸使用了讲话的词和他们的拳头到创伤其他在操场和在学校附近,那里高技术恶霸是时候 今天,恶霸移动了向一个新的边境网际空间 使用电子邮件立即消息网站和cellphones, cyberbullies危害或威胁其他 当他们的身分。


Artificial intelligence AI is a new technical science for researchingand developing the theory, methodology, technology and application system usedin simulating and extending human intelligence AI is a branch of。

so I am determined to work harder than their predecessors to work I did some work, recognizing the value should be a decent, stable job My experience is a variety of wealth, learned a lot, they can。



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