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1、USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元USD的代币Tether USD下称USDT,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行11兑换Tether公司严格遵守11准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的。

2、USDT由Bitfinex 组建的 Tether Limited 发行,于2014年推出的一种与美元锚定的加密货币,是现在应用最广的稳定币,是最为著名的稳定币,也是市场共识最高的稳定币截止目前2018828,加密货币市值排名第六,市值约40。

3、Tether既可以指绳链,项圈,也可以指用绳子,链子栓住的动作引申的意思就是将一样东西依附于另外一样东西,或者表达两者之间的牵制作用The officer dismounted, tethering his horse to a tree这位军官下了马,把马。

4、山穷水尽 1be at the end of one#39s tether 2the end of hills and rivers at the end of one#39s tether 3to be at one#39s last shift to be at the end of one#39s means 例句利昂失了业,身无分。

5、tether eg tether one#39s plan to one#39s resources 将计划限于自己财力准许的范围之内 chained He is chained to his work 他工作忙得不能分身fetteredadjfetterv 为上脚镣,lt喻束缚,抑制 fetter sb。

6、TetherMe使得iphone能够共享自己的热点wifi出来给其他设备使用 UUDIDFacker配合iap cracker,伪造一个UDID,就不怕被app运营商拉黑了 ZZephyr最好用的iphone免HOME键插件,使用上推就可以退出程序,或者打开。

7、应该是印刷错误,没有这么个词,接近的有together t#601#712ɡeeth#601r 一起共同 tether #712teeth#601r 拴牲畜的拴绳,拴链。

8、To claim as one#39s own个人利益或者执着staked out a place for herself in industry对她自己在工业中留一席之地 To fasten, secure, or support with a stake or stakes用木桩系住,保护或者支撑 To tether or。

9、汉语拼音xiji 汉字笔划7 偏旁部首糸 书写笔顺撇折折捺竖撇捺 部首笔划6 五笔输入txi86版 txi98版汉字解释系 besystemseriesdepartmenttie解系2 1 系 xì 2 “。



12、10 The cow had broken its tether and was in the cornfield那头牛弄断系绳,跑到玉米田里去了11 We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot这块地可以种高粱或玉米12 The maize and millet were just。

13、s of my business 例OK, you#39re in trouble, but it#39s of my business6it doesn#39t have anything to do with me 例OK, you#39re leaving But it doesn#39t have anything to do with me。

14、At the end of their tether, and able to extricate themselves, is not weak!26任何时候我都要把自己的心灵调出一个合适的温度I have to put your mind at any time finding a suitable temperature27生活的。


16、4 tether stiffness 张力腿刚度 1In order to determine the relation between TLP motion and tether stiffness,SESAMWADAM software is used to analyze this problem张力腿内张力变动对升沉横摇和纵摇等运动影响。


17、at the end of his rope 的意思是“束手无策”“筋疲力尽”或“忍无可忍”,也作at the end of one#39s row 或at the end of one#39s tether 2 Their washing machine has long been at the end of the road。



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