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1、The rapid development of Chinese economy and the growing gap between rich and poor people#39s lifestyle, values and outlook on life has greatly changed, the busy fastfood life is a large number of young。

2、My life has been changed by television because I can know more information on television For example , the important events happen and some accidents happen in some places What#39s more , I can learn。


4、很明显,1楼那位朋友是用谷歌的整段翻译自动翻译的大致意思出来了,但是有很多细节上的问题我来全部修正一下电视机的发展 我今年已经五十岁了,当我回顾自己的人生时,总能发现很多东西伴随着生活发生了改变在面积。

5、And as we are the reason For the quotNinetiesquot being gay,We all wear a green carnation寇威尔将quotgay ninetiesquot作为一个双关语来使用这首歌的歌名暗示了同性恋剧作家王尔德,他本身就以配戴著一朵绿色康乃馨而闻名。

6、电视已在每个人的生活的窗口年轻的男人永远不会再发动战争,因为他们没有在1914年成千上万的人们现在已经看到了战斗的影响而结果是一般不喜欢战争,也许更多的帮助那些谁所有那些被采用SC 青少年表现出可怕的事情受苦的。


8、Mr Bullough has a good sense of how the traumas of Russia’s past affect its present His new book is a mixture of travelogue and biography, as he traces the life of Father Dmitry Dudko, an Orthodox p。

9、changed” What we are seeing now is a freedom explosion, the realization of “an idea whose time has So much of modern life can be summarized in that suggestive phrase of Thoreau “Improved means to an un。


11、C 试题分析这些年,我们已经习惯了的生活方式改变了很多结合语境可知本句描述的是现在已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时态选C点评英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断解答此类题型,首先要注意句。

12、conclusion, technology has a great influence in the society as well as my life My lifestyle has been changed due to the development of technology Technology makes my life much easier!I HOPE IT HELPS。

13、When we read the students’ journals that recorded their actions, thoughts and feelings throughout the Lifestyle Project, we were incredibly moved Over the years the Lifestyle Project has been modified, offered in an。



15、A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way 一个健康的中国生活方式 Traditional Chinese octors believe we need a balance of yin 传统中医认为要想健康, 我们需要在阴 and yang to be healthyFor example,are you often。




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